The dynamic duo known as the Lucha Brothers, Rey Fenix and Penta El Zero M, are making their mark on new territory – Amazon.
Recently, images of an AEW 2-pack featuring Rey Fenix and Penta El Zero M surfaced on Amazon Canada, hinting at a potential release in the United States soon.
Let’s delve into what this exciting two-pack has to offer:
– Unique Figures: The set likely includes detailed action figures of Rey Fenix and Penta El Zero M, capturing their vibrant wrestling personas.
– Collectible Item: Wrestling fans and collectors can add these figures to their collection, showcasing their support for the talented Lucha Brothers.
– Availability: With the set appearing on Amazon Canada, it’s anticipated to become available on Amazon in the U.S., making it easily accessible to fans across borders.
Excitement is brewing as the Lucha Brothers gear up to take the world of collectibles by storm with their upcoming release on Amazon. Stay tuned for more updates on this thrilling development!