Netflix has recently unveiled the trailer for the upcoming documentary series, “Mr. McMahon,” set to premiere on September 25. This six-part series will delve into the life of Vince McMahon, the controversial businessman and co-founder of WWE. The show will explore his journey from turning a small wrestling business into a global entertainment empire to the scandalous sexual misconduct allegations that eventually led to his resignation.
– The documentary features over 200 hours of interviews with McMahon, his family, business partners, wrestling legends, and journalists who uncovered the allegations.
– Filmmaker Chris Smith, known for his work on “Tiger King,” and executive producer Bill Simmons, from “30 for 30,” promise an insightful and honest portrayal of McMahon’s life and his impact on the wrestling industry.
– Viewers can expect a deep dive into McMahon’s story, from his highs as a visionary entrepreneur to the lows of navigating controversy and scandal.
– The series aims to provide an unfiltered look at one of the most intriguing figures in sports entertainment, shedding light on both his successes and his setbacks.
If you want to learn more about the captivating world of “Mr. McMahon,” mark your calendars for its release on Netflix on September 25.