Bobby Lashley, known for his career in amateur wrestling and mixed martial arts, is now setting his sights on the boxing ring for a late-career challenge. In a recent appearance on “The Laboratory” podcast, Lashley revealed his upcoming venture into the world of boxing.
His motivation stems from a desire to continuously challenge himself and push his limits. Lashley expressed his love for tackling ridiculous goals and the drive to see how far he can go in various endeavors. This new pursuit adds to a list of ambitious goals he has set for himself, including running a marathon and competing for a jiu-jitsu world championship.
The announcement of his upcoming boxing match in Las Vegas has generated buzz and excitement among fans. While the details of his opponent and the event are still being worked out, the prospect of seeing Lashley step into the boxing ring has generated significant interest.
Overall, Lashley’s decision to venture into the realm of boxing demonstrates his relentless pursuit of new challenges and his willingness to step outside his comfort zone to test his skills in different disciplines. It will undoubtedly be an event to watch for fans of combat sports and those who admire athletes who constantly strive for greatness.