Jake Hager, known for his purple bucket hat, has been tapped for an advertisement promoting his appearance at the upcoming Black Label Pro: Crowning Glory event planned for September. Black Label Pro recently announced a wrestling combine for their Crowning Glory 2024 showcase, sponsored by Draft Kings.
The event, termed the “Wrestling Combine,” will feature a mix of male and female wrestlers engaged in a series of sports challenges to determine the top overall athlete. Among those advertised for the combine are Mandy Rose, Ash by Elegance, Riddick Moss, Jordynne Grace, Parker Boudreaux, Xia Li, and Moose.
The Draft Kings Presents Black Label Pro: Crowning Glory event is set to take place on September 4, 2024, in Chicago, Illinois. Jake Hager’s participation in the wrestling combine adds an exciting element to the event, promising a unique and thrilling experience for fans and athletes alike.