Matt Camp shared details about the past tensions between Roman Reigns and Matthew Riddle in WWE, highlighting an incident where Riddle had to write an apology letter to Reigns on Randy Orton’s advice. The situation arose when Reigns appeared on WWE’s The Bump while Riddle was present in the studio. To avoid any potential conflicts, WWE kept Riddle away from Reigns until the interview was over.
Key Points:
Camp revealed that Roman Reigns made a guest appearance on The Bump in August 2021, promoting a partnership with a sunglasses company. Riddle was present in the studio but was intentionally kept away from Reigns until the interview concluded.
After the show, Riddle made some inappropriate comments about Reigns in another interview, prompting him to write an apology letter to Reigns as advised by Randy Orton. WWE made sure to prevent any interactions between Riddle and Reigns to avoid any further friction.
The decision to keep Riddle off the set until Reigns left was considered the right move in handling the situation professionally.
Camp’s insights shed light on the careful management of personal dynamics within the WWE to maintain a harmonious environment among talent. The incident serves as a reminder of the diplomacy required in navigating relationships in the wrestling industry.
Overall, the handling of the situation between Roman Reigns and Matthew Riddle illustrates the importance of respect and communication in the world of professional wrestling. It showcases the need for tact and discretion when dealing with sensitive issues to uphold a positive working environment for everyone involved.