Matt Cardona, also known as “The Indy God,” recently discussed his return to TNA Wrestling after being sidelined due to injury on the Sports Guys Talk Wrestling program. Despite the unfortunate timing of his injury right after celebrating his four-year anniversary since being released from WWE, Cardona remained determined and returned to the ring in a shorter timeframe than expected.
During the interview, Cardona expressed his desire to be involved in the TNA Wrestling talent crossovers with WWE NXT. He mentioned names like Joe Hendry and Jordynne Grace, highlighting the exciting back-and-forth movement between the two promotions. Cardona emphasized his eagerness to be part of TNA’s success and to explore new opportunities within the company.
Looking ahead, Cardona shared his ambitions for the future and his motivation to achieve more in his wrestling career. He acknowledged the dynamic environment of TNA and its collaborations with WWE NXT, expressing his interest in contributing to that success. Cardona’s enthusiasm for returning to TNA and exploring new opportunities was evident throughout the interview.
For more insights and details from the interview, listeners can visit The interview, which was transcribed by, provides an in-depth look into Cardona’s perspective and aspirations within the wrestling industry.