Matt Riddle and Roman Reigns have seemingly buried the hatchet after a rocky period between the two stars came to light recently. A former WWE broadcast member, Matt Camp, discussed the duo’s past tensions on “The Wrestling Matt” show, shedding light on a specific incident from August 2021.
In that episode, Riddle was conspicuously absent from the set of WWE’s The Bump due to Reigns’ appearance and the reported tension between them. Camp recalled how Riddle was intentionally kept off the set until Reigns had finished his segment, where the Tribal Chief promoted a sunglasses brand. Riddle then made ill-advised comments about Reigns in another interview shortly after this incident.
Reflecting on this troublesome history, Riddle offered insights in a recent interview with the New York Post, emphasizing that he and Reigns have since moved past their disagreements and are on good terms.
According to Riddle, Reigns potentially realized his professionalism and the context behind Riddle’s controversial remarks, acknowledging that Riddle was merely following directions when cutting a promo on him. The Original Bro also mentioned that despite Reigns’ initial displeasure, they have managed to forge a positive working relationship in WWE.
This development highlights the complex dynamics that can arise between professional wrestlers behind the scenes, showcasing how mutual respect and understanding can ultimately lead to reconciliation and cooperation.