In a thrilling turn of events, Wren Sinclair’s victory over Kendal Grey last week led to Charlie Dempsey earning a shot at the WWE NXT Heritage Cup Championship against defending champion Tony D’Angelo. The stakes were high, and the match did not disappoint as Dempsey and D’Angelo went head to head in an intense battle for the title.
– D’Angelo initially took the lead with a powerful move known as the Forget About It, securing a fall in the second round.
– Sinclair’s encouragement during the fourth round proved crucial as Dempsey rallied back, scoring a fall against D’Angelo with a jackknife pin.
– In a dramatic twist, Sinclair and his No Quarter Catch Crew teammates played a pivotal role in distracting the referee and tripping D’Angelo, allowing Dempsey to deliver the final blow with a Northern Lights suplex for the win.
Dempsey’s victory now places him in an elite group of wrestlers who have held the NXT Heritage Cup more than once, joining the ranks of Noam Dar. On the other hand, D’Angelo’s impressive 92-day reign as champion has come to an end, marking the end of an era in the NXT UK wrestling scene.