The mischievous Tony D’Angelo and his group, known as The Family, recently pulled off a stunt straight out of a mobster movie by locking up a manager from “WWE NXT” in a freezer.
Details of the Incident:
– In a video shared online, D’Angelo discusses the fresh meats he acquired with The Family, only to discover the tied-up and gagged manager, Robert Stone, in one of the freezers.
– Despite the bizarre sight, they casually moved to check the other freezer, leaving Stone behind.
– It turns out Stone was tied up as repayment for money he owed The Family, a debt he believed he settled with Stevie Turner.
Inside Scoop:
– Stone explained his situation and how he was released by an elderly lady after settling his debt through Turner.
– Stone and Turner have been competing for favor with “NXT” General Manager, Ava Raine, even engaging in a wing-eating challenge on a previous episode of the show.
This latest incident involving Tony D’Angelo and The Family adds to the ongoing drama in the world of “WWE NXT,” showcasing their unique and entertaining approach to settling scores and gaining leverage.