The upcoming Netflix docuseries, “Mr. McMahon,” has released its first trailer, giving viewers a glimpse into the six-part series. The show is set to premiere on Wednesday, September 25, and will include interviews with iconic wrestling figures such as Triple H, The Rock, John Cena, Bret Hart, and Stone Cold Steve Austin.
The series will take a deep dive into the tumultuous journey of WWE founder Vince McMahon, exploring the triumphs and setbacks he faced throughout his career in the wrestling industry. The documentary will feature candid interviews with McMahon himself, shedding light on his experiences before his retirement. Additionally, it will include discussions with journalists who unearthed allegations of sexual assault and trafficking within the wrestling world.
This insider look at the life of Vince McMahon promises to provide a comprehensive view of the man behind the iconic WWE brand. Viewers can expect to gain valuable insights into the challenges and controversies that have shaped McMahon’s legacy in the world of professional wrestling. So mark your calendars for the premiere of “Mr. McMahon” on Netflix this September!